In the past 7 years I have trained several pro soccer players. There has been much trial and error along this journey that is for sure. Hundreds on hours in the trenches helped me develop this program. I don’t have fancy VO2 masks, access to doctors or labs but I do have 7 years on the floor getting my athletes pretty damn fit. Everyone of my players was top 3 on their pro teams in their fitness tests so I will let that speak for itself.

Simple yet effective
This program is simple, progressive and it works. Will you bust your butt? Yup. Will you be tired? Yup. Will you be one of the fittest on the field? Yup…if you finish this.
The program consists of 2 exercises, sled pushes and interval work. You will train sled pushes 2 days a weeks and run intervals 2 days a week. Follow this for 10 weeks and see how you do 🙂
**you will most likely need 50 yds of space for this
Sled Pushes– run these all out, my athletes started with 100 lbs loaded
Intervals– when I say that you will run a 45/15 interval, here is what I mean:
45 seconds is a light jog, a nice easy pace
15 seconds is when you are getting chased by a rabid pitbull…you are flying
The first number in the interval refers to the “easy” part of the interval and the second number is the “go like hell” number
Week 1
Day 1 and 3 Interval 45/15 for 5 minutes
Day 2 and 4 sled- 5 second push, rest for 20 seconds and repeat for 5 reps
Week 2
Day 1 and 3 interval 45/15 for 6 minutes
Day 2 and 4 sled- 5 second push, rest for 20 and repeat for 6 reps
Week 3
Day 1 and 3 interval 45/15 for 7 minutes
Day 2 and 4 sled- 5 second push, rest for 20 repeat for 7 reps
Week 4
Day 1 and 3 interval 45/15 for 8 minutes
Day 2 and 4 sled- 5 second push, rest for 20 and repeat 8 reps

***Add 15lbs lbs to sled after week 4..your choice
Week 5
Day 1 and 3 interval 40/20 for 5 minutes
Day 2 and 4 sled- 7 second push, rest for 20 and repeat for 5
Week 6
Day 1 and 3 interval- 40/20 for 6 minutes
Day 2 and 4 sled- 7 second push, rest for 20 and repeat for 6 reps
Week 7
Day 1 and 3 interval 40/20 for 7 minutes
Day 2 and 4 sled- 7 second push, rest for 20 and repeat for 7 reps
Week 8
Day 1 and 3 interval 40/20 for 8 minutes
Day 2 and 4 sled- 7 second push, rest for 20 and repeat for 8 reps
Week 9
Day 1 and 3 interval 35/25 for 6 minutes
Day 2 and 4 sled – 9 second push rest for 20 repeat for 5
Week 10
Day 1 and 3 interval 35/25 for 8 minutes
Day 2 and 4 sled- 9 second push, rest for 20 repeat for 6