1. The hips drive and the arms guide! If you are using your arms to move the kettlebell on the swing, you are doing it wrong! Often times you’ll hear us telling clients to use a heavier bell to improve their form. If the bell is too light, beginners tend to use their shoulders and arms to initiate movement versus using the hips.
2. Perform 2-3 sets of kettlebell deadlifts prior to swinging a kettlebell. The deadlift is a slow hip hinge. The swing is a ballistic hip hinge. Focus on slow strength first before moving to the ballistics!
3. Perform 2-3 sets of high-tension planks early in your training session. This type of plank helps you dial in your lock out at the top of the swing. Remember, the top of your swing is a standing plank!
4. Prepare properly for overhead kettlebell lifts. Before lifting a kettlebell overhead, spend some time foam rolling your thoracic spine, lats, triceps and pecs. This will help you own the proper overhead position.
5. Loaded carries are great for everyone. Loaded carries are an excellent way to train your core. Regardless of how you carry the bell, you should aim to have the identical pelvis, rib cage and lumbar spine position throughout all of the carries. Stand tall and straight!
6. If you are just learning how to squat, the goblet squat is a great place to start. At first, keep a light bell 6-12 inches from your chest. This will act as a counter balance and should enable you to squat a bit easier. Eventually, try to squat with the kb touching your chest for the duration of the squat. Once you’ve master the movement with a light bell, you can start to add some weight.
7. Spend some time practicing 1- arm deadlifts prior to doing 1-arm swings. Practice 1-arm deadlifts, focusing on not rotating your upper spine. This will help you learn the movement pattern, which is important because if you are rotating your upper spine in the 1-arm swing, that rotation may eventually lead to rotation in the lumbar spine.
8. At the top of the swing, imagine someone is taking your picture. This cue helps most people achieve a neutral cervical spine at the top of the swing.
9. Enjoy the float at the top of the swing. If you use too much tension during this portion of the swing, your grip will fatigue prematurely. If you were to let go of the kettlebell at the top of the swing it should shoot straight forward.
10. Hire a coach who knows what he/she is doing. When performed correctly, kettlebell training can do wonders for your health, fitness and fat loss! When performed improperly, you might be setting yourselves up for an injury!
Our next 8-week kettlebell skills workshop begins on March 18, 2015!
Train smart and train hard!