Day 8 of the 40 day program

By Mike PerryConditioning, Kettlebell Training

Felt good today, I took 3 days off and it was worth it. My body hasn’t felt this good in awhile All 1×10 rep scheme for today: Press- 28k x10 L/R…felt light Pull-up 12k x10, felt good Pistol 12k x10 L/R….I don’t care what anyone says about high reps pistols, they are miserable. Snatches- 9 … Read More

Day 6 of the 40 day workout

By Mike PerryConditioning, Kettlebell Training

Felt like rubbish today, a bit tired so I went a lighter. All 2×5 rep scheme Press 28k, 28k..only lift that felt ok Pull-up 16k, 16k Pistol, 12k, 12k Snatches- 7 minutes straight with the 12k Body saw for core Day off tomorrow and heavy singles for thursday 🙂