Let me be honest. It’s not always easy. I have days when I haven’t slept much, haven’t eaten enough or generally just feel overwhelmed in every aspect of my life. Even on those bad days, I’ve always shown up, and, for lack of better words, gotten it done.
Over my coaching career, I’ve lost both of my parents, married my amazing wife and been blessed enough to become a father to two beautiful, healthy children. Those are the big things, but basically there has been a ton going on in my life. Usually I am motivated and want to keep going, but I promise there are days when I want to shut down and give up.
About 10 months ago, I started my journey into Brazilian jujitsu. There were many reasons why I decided to start this sport, but a huge part of it was so that I was no longer the coach, and could be 100% student.
There have been several life lessons along my BJJ journey so far that carry over to other aspects of life.
Lesson 1: Consistency Really Matters.
The most important part of Brazilian jujitsu is consistency.
I started this sport late in life. I knew I’d have to commit myself to the sport if I ever wanted to improve. In order to do this, I literally had to block off my schedule.
With the exception of travel, nothing gets in the way of my weekly BJJ training sessions. I am fully committed to my training sessions and will attend those classes for as long as I’m physically able to do so.
Here’s the thing, if I didn’t block these times to make training a priority, I would never be consistent. My BJJ school offers several class times a week and if I gave myself too many options to attend, I know I would find myself saying “I’ll just hit the evening class” more often than I’d like. Sometimes I’d go to the evening class and other times, I’d probably just head home.
I’m just like you. Sometimes when we have too many options, it’s really easy to procrastinate and then many times you never act on any option at all.
If you want to succeed at something, block off the time to do it, show up every time and get the job done!
Lesson 2: Fitness is a Journey.
I’m a white belt, currently paying my dues in the BJJ world. But, the great news is that there is no end game. I have never even thought to myself, when I reach X belt, I’m done and I’ve succeeded.
My goal is to just get a little bit better every time I train. There is no shortcut in jujitsu. You either put in the work to earn your rank or you quit and try something easier and more within your comfort zone.
Growth does not occur in your comfort zone.
If you want to get better at something, it’s going to hurt sometimes and it’s going to frustrate the hell out of you at other times, but if you put your head down and keep putting in consistent effort, every once in a while you will lift your head and see the fruits of your labor.
Lesson 3: Get Over Yourself.
There is a saying in the strength training world, “Someone out there is warming up with your max.”
While it’s “fitspo” and might inspire someone and piss another person off, this statement simply holds true in many worlds, including strength training and Brazilian jujitsu.
There is always going to be someone that’s more fit, stronger, faster, leaner and naturally more gifted.
Normally I don’t swear but in scenarios like this, I’d really say who gives a shit? Stop comparing yourself to others. It will get you nowhere and if anything, it will create and foster a negative mindset. Let’s be honest, no one likes to be around people that constantly have a negative attitude. Enough letting it drag you down. Get over yourself, stop worrying about others and just keep working to be better.
My journey in BJJ has given in invaluable insight into what my clients experience in their health and fitness journeys. Whether you are embarking on a health and fitness journey to better your health or you’re looking to get better a sport, it’s a never-ending journey.
Forget about the end game and enjoy the process. Fitness is never-ending journey.
Thanks for being transparent and honest in your blog!