13 workouts left!! I am excited to be almost finished with the journey. It has taught me so much about listening to my body. I am learning when to take it easy and go hard with my big 3 lifts. I have found the weight and volume that my body likes and to me that’s … Read More
Kettlebell Training
Day 25 of the 40 day program and some thoughts about goal setting
Today I had to change it up a bit. I was feeling as if these workouts were getting tedious. I have committed to the 40 day plan but sometimes it’s tough to do the same lifts every day. Sticking to a plan is essential to reach your goals but sometimes you need to trick yourself … Read More
Day 24 of the 40 day program
Felt OK today….I have been dealing with a small stomach bug do my training didn’t go amazing. All 6x 1 rep scheme Press-28k, 32k, 36k, 40k, 40k, 40k all L and R Pull-up- 32k, 32k, 32k, 32k, 36k, 36k Pistol- 16k, 16k, 20k, 20k, 24k, 28k Snatches- 80 straight with the 16k Core- ab roll … Read More
My ah-ha moment
I am in the process of learning the level II skills and I had a ah-ha moment the other day and I figured that I would share. About a month ago I was lucky to spend some time with Brett Jones and he taught me the basics of the windmill and bent press. I had … Read More
Day 23 of the 40 day workout
All 2×5 rep scheme Press 32k…L/R ***side note- my 2×5 32k press is slowly becoming my marker for how I feel that day. If the 32k presses feel really easy then I know my body nervous system is not shot and that I did not overdo it on the previous workout Pull-up- 16k, 20k Pistol- … Read More
Day 22 of the 40 day program
All 2×5 rep scheme Press 28k x5….36kx5 L and R…these are PR’s for me Pull-up 2×5 bodyweight super slow, roughly 7 seconds for the eccentric/concentric part of the pull-up Pistols- 5 BW L and R and 5 L and R with the 10k…takin it easy today Snatches 7 minutes of 30/30 with the 20k Plank … Read More
days 20 and 21 of the 40 day program
Half way through!!! I have hit a couple press PR’s thus far so I am pretty pumped. I am still adjusting to the high volume of pistols per week. Some days my back gets a bit sore so I am always cautious about that. Pull-ups are pretty easy, I am pretty sure I can hit … Read More
Days 18 and 19 of the 40 day program
Day 18 All 2×5 rep scheme Press 32k pull-up 16k, 20k Pistol- assisted w/TRX…very cranky back 30/30 10 minutes of swings with the 28k 1×10 ab roll outs Day 19 5, 3,2 rep scheme Press- 32k x5 L and R, 36k x3 L and R, 40k x2 with R and 2×1 with L Pull-up- 20k … Read More
Days 16 and 17 of the 40 day program
Both days are a 2×5 rep scheme. My body is feeling pretty good now. The soccer tournament I played in last saturday was a terrible idea. My numbers are where they should be once again Day 16 Press- 32k, L and R Pull-up- 20k and 24k Pistol- 16k and 20k L and R Hanging … Read More
Day 15 of the 40 day program
All 2×5 Press, 28k Pull-up, 16k Pistol- 8k Snatches- 16k for 10 minutes 30/30 Ab wheel. Felt terrible again today, soccer was a bad choice…I am not smaaaaaaat