Why you suck at pull-ups :)

By Mike PerryStrength

Pull-ups are IMO one of the best body weight strength training exercises out there. I’ve witnessed tens of thousands of pull-ups in my day, some good and some bad…mostly bad. Why do people suck at pull-ups? Because they practice sucking at pull-ups. Do they suck on purpose? Is their primary goal to suck at pull-ups? … Read More

Having some fun!!

By Mike PerryStrength

We were filming some videos for work and I decided to have a little fun 🙂 Triple Clap Push-uphttp://www.youtube.com/get_player http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6A80bNdzD04 95lb single arm barbell snatchhttp://www.youtube.com/get_player http://www.youtube.com/user/skillofstrength#p/a/u/0/19AZQPo-Hmw Enjoy!

Great Practice Day

By Mike PerryConditioning, Kettlebell Training, Strength

Z mobility drillsaslr workrib pullsdowel squat press from different depths (WOW)16kg get-ups 5 L/R100 24kg swings3Ă—4 16kg pistols L/R4Ă—3 s-arm press 32kg x3 and 36kg x3 (felt light today about time) 🙂40 strict pull-ups40 strict dips Added tons of mobility work into each set, lots of ASLR work, S-leg deads before pistols and modified Bretzels. … Read More

Keep it Simple Stupid

By Mike PerryStrength 2 Comments

You have no idea how to work out. It’s not your fault, you haven’t been educated enough. Don’t take it personally, it’s just the truth. I know that you have been lifting for 10 years but that doesn’t mean that you have any clue about training. Here is my point, Too many times we are … Read More