5×2 weighted pull-ups 45 x2 55 x2 65 x2 75 x2 85 x2 RKC snatch test with a 20k 4 min flat Gettin back into it again 🙂
Why you suck at pull-ups :)
Pull-ups are IMO one of the best body weight strength training exercises out there. I’ve witnessed tens of thousands of pull-ups in my day, some good and some bad…mostly bad. Why do people suck at pull-ups? Because they practice sucking at pull-ups. Do they suck on purpose? Is their primary goal to suck at pull-ups? … Read More
Having some fun!!
We were filming some videos for work and I decided to have a little fun 🙂 Triple Clap Push-uphttp://www.youtube.com/get_player http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6A80bNdzD04 95lb single arm barbell snatchhttp://www.youtube.com/get_player http://www.youtube.com/user/skillofstrength#p/a/u/0/19AZQPo-Hmw Enjoy!
Todays workout 4/28
70 BW pistols, 35L and 35R Did 5 sets of each leg then switched, no rest
Airborne Lunge ( how to video)
Here is a quick video on the airborne lunge. It’s not as sexy as the pistol but IMO it’s the precursor to the pistol. Enjoy! View Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RQ63WK_bCOk
Todays workout
Z mobilityASLR prepT spineDowel press from different squat depths Akro wheel progression Swing ladders, 20 each, 20, 24, 32 x5 Press ladders 2,3,4,5 w/32k x4 Ring work
Great Practice Day
Z mobility drillsaslr workrib pullsdowel squat press from different depths (WOW)16kg get-ups 5 L/R100 24kg swings3Ă—4 16kg pistols L/R4Ă—3 s-arm press 32kg x3 and 36kg x3 (felt light today about time) 🙂40 strict pull-ups40 strict dips Added tons of mobility work into each set, lots of ASLR work, S-leg deads before pistols and modified Bretzels. … Read More
Keep it Simple Stupid
You have no idea how to work out. It’s not your fault, you haven’t been educated enough. Don’t take it personally, it’s just the truth. I know that you have been lifting for 10 years but that doesn’t mean that you have any clue about training. Here is my point, Too many times we are … Read More