I did day 10 of my 40 day journey on friday. The rep scheme was 5-3-2

Day 10
Press- 32k,32k,32k
Pull-up- 20k, 32k, 32k
Pistol- 12k, 16k,16k
Snatches were 6 minutes straight with the 16k, I counted 121 for reps
Ab wheel roll outs
Day 11
6×1 on everything
36k L/R,
36k L/R,
40k, L/R,
44k L/R,
44k R and 40k L,
4ok, L/R
32k, 36k, 40k , 40k, 40k, 40

Pistol: all L/R

20k, 24k, 28k, 32k, 20k, 20k
snatches 4 minutes straight with the 14k, I did roughly 93 snatches
I hit 2 PR’s today, I was able to press the 44kg bell with both hands.
I had a video up but I noticed that my right heel came off the ground which would not count as a clean rep. I will repost a video later.