Day 13 3/3

5-3-2 rep scheme
Press 24k, 28, 32k
Pull-up 16k, 24k, 24k
Pistol- 12k, 16k, 16k
6 minutes straight with the 16k
ab roll outs 2×5
felt good
Day 14 3/4
2×5 rep scheme
My back was a bit cranky so I skipped snatches and did swings. I also substituted pistols for airborne lunges
Press 32k
airborne lunge- 2×5
pull-up 12k
1 handed swings 30/30 for 5 min with the 20k
hardstyle plank 2x:45
The things we do 🙂

Yesterday I went to my old college and played in a futsal tournament. The best part was hanging out with my two good friends Tommy and Jamo. We didn’t win this year but had fun.
We played 5 games on a hardwood basketball court. This is always a bad idea. We regret it after the tourney and we suffer the ride home. We are all sore as hell for a few days. Today my back is not happy and I needed a day off. I am hoping to get a solid training day in tomorrow.
Yes I am an idiot, when I train smart and do the right things I always feel good. When I drive 2.5 hrs, play 5 soccer games and drive another 2.5 hrs back home, I feel like rubbish. I wonder why.