Me: “Good afternoon! Thanks for calling in. My name is Kevin, how can I help you today?”
Customer: “Yes, I tried your free trial of supplements and want to make sure I don’t get
billed. I’m 90 years old and don’t need these pills with caffeine and other stuff in them.
They make me feel weird and it’s just too much for me.”
My manager, sitting next to me: “Still push them to buy them, it would be a big sell
for you.”
I gave my manager a puzzled look. I felt uncomfortable trying to push this sale on an
innocent lady who clearly didn’t need this supplement. I was the new guy so I listened to my
manager, and did what I was told in order to keep my job.
After graduating from Framingham State University with a Business degree I found a 9-5 job. It seemed like the next logical step? I commuted into Boston from Chelmsford, Massachusetts. I spend so much of my time in the car, on the train and walking to my office in the snow. By the time I got home from work I had no time for anything else.
Besides that I hated showing up every day to do a job solely to make money. I understand sales, and I’m learning I actually can enjoy selling, but not if what I’m selling is something I don’t believe the potential buyer will benefit from. In this case, the products were usually not benefitting anyone.
The good news about sitting at that desk for hours on end is I had plenty of time to think and self-reflect. I knew my current job was draining my energy, but what made me happy?
During and after college I spent a lot of my free time helping coworkers, teammates and friends get in shape and discover confidence through working out at the gym. It was motivating and empowering to help others achieve their goals. Over time, I gained more confidence in myself and my abilities related to fitness. I loved sharing my passion for fitness with others and always felt my best when I was at the gym. Even with a horrendous commute and long work days, I still found time to workout before or after work. It was that important.
Taking the First Step to Make a Change
I reached out to Steve at Skill of Strength. He was my strength and conditioning coach when I played college baseball. Fortunately, we came up with some ways I could help him at the gym and while I started to learn more about the coaching side of fitness and I left my corporate sales job as quickly as possible. I started working at Lululemon and spent as much time at Skill of Strength with Mike, Steve and Amanda as possible. I haven’t wanted to be anywhere else since! It feels like home.
This September marks a year since I left my dead end job and started working at Skill of Strength. It makes me so happy to be surrounded by people who motivate me to be better each and every day. Training and coaching people to live a healthier lifestyle has been the most fulfilling job I could ask for. These days I’m working towards my goals and I absolutely love going to work. I’m at the point now where I’m coaching six days a week and I get to interact with incredible people of all ages and fitness levels daily.
There’s no more sitting at the desk waiting for time to pass. Sure, changing industries and quitting my steady job was a risk, but it’s the best ride I’ve been on, and now I know it’s only the beginning!
I am so thankful for the help and support I’ve had, and continue to receive from the SOS team, my girlfriend, friends and family. I’m following my dream of becoming the best strength and conditioning coach I can be and I’m nowhere near done this journey.
Here are a few things I’ve learned in my first year of coaching. Many more to come…
Nine Lessons I Learned in My First Year of Coaching:
- Embrace change, even when it scares you!
- Take control of your life (it’s the only one you got and no one’s got time for misery)
- Surround yourself with people who support/challenge you
- Work your butt off
- Never stop learning
- Get comfortable with being uncomfortable
- Ask for help
- When you try something new, you’ll most likely stink at first, but trust the process. You will get better!
- The road to get to where you want to be is probably going to include a messy ride, but man it just might be FUN!
Don’t be afraid to make a change. Your happiness is worth it. Grow, change, take risks and surround yourself with people who make you better. Oh, and never stop learning!