Some Training Programs I Love
- Weighted Pull-up Training Program (a program I posted earlier this year)
- Fighter Pull-up Training Program (via Pavel)
- Kettlebells and Deadlifts (via Pavel)
When I take a look back at all the programs I’ve written for clients and performed myself, there are two exercises that consistently provide the best results.
Strict pull-ups and kettlebell swings get results!
Why Pull-Ups Are Awesome
Pull-ups help improve back strength and hypertrophy.
Pull-ups help you increase your grip strength.
From my experience, adding more pulling exercises into your program is great for overall shoulder health.
Why Kettlelbell Swings Are Awesome
Kettlebell swings lead to increased work capacity.
Kettlebell swings help you strengthen your posterior chain.
Kettlebell swings help you improve your grip strength.
I wanted to take just these two super effective exercises and create an 8-week training program. By using variations of these two exercises, I developed a very simple, but NOT easy training program that yields great strength gains.
Who should complete Essential Strength?
{Kettlebell Swing and Pull-up Program}
This is a great strength training program to start now as we head into the busy holiday season. You’re busy enough with social commitments, shopping, etc. so why complicate your training?
Instead, keep it simple, not easy, while getting stronger, with Essential Strength, an 8-week kettlebell swing and pull-up program.
While following Essential Strength, you’ll train three days per week, no more, no less. Your workouts will consist of kettlebell swing and pull-up variations. Your adherence to the program and hard work will determine your results.
Prerequisite: You must be able to perform five strict dead hang pull-ups!
Can’t do five pull-ups yet? Try these pull-ups training tips first.
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