You may not have the budget or the need for personal training. If you’re somewhat outgoing, don’t have any serious injuries, enjoy fitness and have found it fairly easy to stick with exercising in the past, you’re likely a great candidate for group training or small group training.
In fact, the group motivation is exactly what some people need to get results and have the most fun. And really, if it isn’t fun, is it really worth doing and will you stick with it long-term? (Don’t answer that…you wont.)
Many people thrive off the energy in group settings and enjoy the social connections they make with training partners who are seeking similar goals. You can absolutely get fit as hell training in a group setting and there are some really awesome gyms out there with great group training programs and trainers to help you out!
If everything above sounds like you, check out the article below to help you get started and be successful in a group training membership at a gym.
Related: Here’s 5 Tips to Help You Succeed in a Group Training Atmosphere
But… if everything I just said above scares you a bit, you are not alone! And you are most definitely not alone if you feel nervous about even setting foot inside a gym.
If you’re looking to get started with exercise…or restarted after a longer-than-you-care-to-admit hiatus…the first step, committing to something, is always the hardest.
When you first decide to make your health a priority, you’re likely overwhelmed with the amount of information on the internet. You’re trying to figure out things like what Paleo is, if you should do that HIIT thing, whether step aerobics still exists, why so many people talk about Crossfit and which trainer(s) out there actually know what they are talking about.
By the time you research everything on your own, you end up wondering if should you hire a personal trainer to help you figure out what is going to work best for you.
Let me be honest. Hiring a personal trainer can be a huge waste of money or the best decision you ever make when it comes to improving your health and fitness.
Related: Here are 5 Things You’ll Gain from Hiring a Great Personal Trainer.
So then, should you hire a personal trainer? Or should you go the route of group training? Or should you just start exercising on your own, either at home or in a gym setting?
Three People Who Should Hire a Personal Trainer
1. You’re brand new to training or haven’t exercised regularly in a long time.
Find a trainer who works at a reputable gym and meet with him/her. Ask yourself the following questions:
- Do I like the feel of the gym?
- Do I like the trainer’s personality?
- Do I feel comfortable that this guy/gal just might be able to help me reach your goals?
If you’re embarrassed because you are out of shape, you tend to get hurt when you start an exercise routine on your own, or you simply just feel overwhelmed and don’t know where to start, hiring a personal trainer is likely a smart move.
A personal trainer can help you with proper exercise technique, decreasing your risk of injury, and can help you stay accountable. He/she can also help you determine a plan that will fit into your schedule and help you achieve your goals in a safe and effective manner.
2. You’re coming back to exercise after an injury or you’re an athlete with specific goals.
If you have really specific training goals, it’s best to start with a knowledgeable trainer to make sure you get started on the right path. Perhaps you have a weight loss goal with a specific deadline. Or a performance goal in your sport. Or you’re competing in something like a fitness competition or powerlifting meet.
Eventually, group training might be a solid option, even if you have some pretty specific performance or physique goals, but getting started with an individualized plan is likely your best bet.
It’s really helpful for anyone who is coming back from an injury (after being cleared by your doctor and physical therapist). For athletes, there is a benefit to working with someone knowledgeable in your sport, who’s had success training people like you in the past.
3. You’re thinking about exercising and in the back of your head you’re wondering how long you’ll be able to make it stick “this time.”
In other words, you’re already doubting your success and/or potential to be consistent and you haven’t even started yet.
Later, group training can be an awesome fit for you if this is where you are at right now. But, it takes time to get to know people in a group atmosphere. While they will hold you accountable eventually, it’s not the same as having a scheduled session you are paying for, whether you show up or not. Quite frankly, sometimes you have to put money on the table to force yourself to show up. And many times, it’s worth it. This is your health we are talking about here.
We strongly believe in group training at SOS. In fact, our most popular programs are our MOVE group training program for adults and our COMPETE group training program for sports performance athletes.
That said, there are some clients who get overwhelmed with gyms who offer multiple classes during the day. Too many options can be a disaster for someone who has a hard time implementing a consistent exercise routine.
When you know you could attend a later class or one tomorrow instead, you may find yourself making excuses. One way to help with this is to block out your classes ahead of time. Make appointments with the most important person in your life – yourself!
Until you’ve made exercise a routine, it may help to have a training session at 8am on Tuesday where someone is waiting for you by the door. 🙂
So, let’s summarize. Do you need to hire a personal trainer?
This whole journey towards your best you…it’s hard work. You need to commit to exercising consistently (and eating healthy, but that’s another topic!) and you are definitely not alone if you can’t ‘get there’ on your own.
I know getting started with exercise can feel hard. I know hiring a trainer can feel expensive and flat out intimidating. But, you know what is harder and more scary…and probably more expensive in the long run?
Doing nothing. Continuing down the path you’re heading on right now. Gaining more weight. Sitting around and waiting for the perfect time that never comes.
So, if you’re not currently progressing on your health and fitness journey, take a minute to think about your options and what will work best for you given your personality and goals.
If you’re not sure where to start or what option would work best for you, reach out! We are happy to help you decide.
Good luck and let us know what’s worked best for you in the past and what’s working for you right now!