Instead, I’ll share an email from a client who has made incredible progress in just one year. He’s gone from dreading exercising to becoming a gym person in one year. Yup, he learned how to love the gym!
At the end, I’ll wrap up with 6 tips you can take from this man’s experience if you’re looking to get as healthy as possible!
“Happy anniversary to me!
This is a strange way to start a letter, but anniversaries are happy events. Approximately a year ago, in October, my wife introduced me to SOS. Steve was my first contact and although the he said “cool” a lot during my initial assessment, I was pleased with his advice and the extensive follow up plan he emailed me as the start of an exercise program.
Exercising on my own has always been tough, so with my wife’s support I enrolled in some individual personal training with Steve. The exercises helped build my strength and confidence in moving towards a healthier me. After my six sessions with Steve a natural progression into the MOVE classes occurred. The transition from Steve’s work to the MOVE classes allowed me to complete several of the MOVE exercises.
A welcoming and supportive clientele made coming to the gym less of a chore and part of a bigger transition to a healthier lifestyle. Attentive instruction to make sure I was doing it right and variations for the things I couldn’t yet complete were greatly appreciated. I never really thought I’d jump rope again, because of my knees, and swinging a kettlebell was like “wtf are these people doing?”
However, with support and training, I’ve been able to complete exercises I’d never heard of or thought I could do.
SOS has continued to provide opportunities for me to improve myself. Once I became more comfortable with the gym, I was able to take advantage of the multiple programs offered. SOS seems to know what I need when I need it.
The 8 week weight loss challenge came along just as I was ready to get serious about losing weight and overall improvement in nutrition and exercise. Holy crap – I lost 25 pounds in 8 weeks and for the first time in ten years I am under 200lbs. I recently met my goal of being 190lbs. At 190lbs my goal was then to maintain my weight and get stronger. And what does SOS do? It reads my mind and offers strength training barbell class with Mike- which I am enjoying.
I now enjoy being a “gym person” because it doesn’t feel like I’m going to the gym. I am going to a place that helps me make positive steps towards my health goals as I close in on the half century mark. I’m going to a place with a healthy and positive environment.
Thank you for your support and guidance as I continue my journey.”
Our client was successful because of his hard work, consistency and willingness to embrace change. His success was not because of how awesome SOS is. (Although we do think it’s a pretty darn special place.)
Learn How to Love the Gym!
This man was and is successful in continually getting healthier because:
- He believed he could do it. You have no idea how much believing you can achieve something is imperative to your success!
- His wife was supportive and also believed he could do it. Social support matters. A lot.
- He was consistent.
- He started where he was at and took advantage of one-on-one training when he needed accountability and coaching most.
- He got really good at the basics first. Only after he learned and nailed the basic exercises did he jump into more technical exercises with the barbell and kettlebell.
- He incorporated nutritional changes instead of thinking he could outtrain a bad diet.
Related: Five tips to Succeed at the Gym
Do you love going to the gym? If so, what’s your favorite part about YOUR gym?