Is technology helping or hurting your fitness and function?

Don’t get us wrong. We’re huge fans of technology, but it’s important to determine if what we’re implementing with these tools is done in a way that results in a positive adaptation.

Are we getting too focused on the data from fitness technology devices/wearables?

Are we relying so much on technology that we forget to slow down and pay attention to the signals our body is giving us?

If modern technology has changed the landscape of fitness for the better, why are so many people sick, injured, overstressed, and unhealthy?

In this podcast, Brett and Mike discuss how technology has impacted their own journeys, the ways they use technology with clients and some insight into how we see fitness technology impacting the fitness industry as a whole.

Welcome to season 2 of the MED podcast with new co-host, Brett Jones.

This season, join Brett Jones, StrongFirst Director of Education and Functional Movement Systems Advisory Board member, and Mike Perry, co-owner of Skill of Strength, Lead instructor at Functional Movement Systems and Senior SFG at Strongfirst, as they share their life experiences and insight on all things health and fitness related.

Connect with Mike and Skill of Strength:

Mike Perry on Instagram

Mike Perry on Facebook

Skill of Strength:

Skill of Strength Website

Skill of Strength Instagram

Skill of Strength Facebook

Skill of Strength YouTube

Connect with Brett Jones:

Brett Jones on Instagram

Brett Jones on Facebook

Please make sure to share the episodes that motivate you and move you in the right direction.