I was changing jobs and bored with my current routine, so it was time to find a new gym. Obviously, I hoped to find something more interesting and “sticky” than my previous fitness endeavors, which almost always resulted in a stint on a treadmill or elliptical machine. Nothing wrong with those cardio machines, but they just were not my thing, didn’t do anything to keep me interested and definitely didn’t get me the results I was looking for.
At the time, I’d recently been introduced to kettlebells and they seemed fun, but I didn’t know what I was doing and I knew enough not to try to figure it out myself. I owned a 10lb kettlebell, but seriously had no idea what to do with it so I didn’t use it. Enter SOS.
Within a week of contacting SOS, I had an evaluation with Mike Perry and attended my first kettlebell class. I remember walking into the gym while there was a MOVE class still in session and feeling a little bit of anxiety. The members were working really hard and getting a heck of a workout! I later found out that was the met con part of class.
Thankfully, there was not an elliptical in sight for me to go hide behind or I may have chosen that “easy” route again.
Instead, this time was different. Right when I walked in, Steve, the coach for the MOVE and Kettlebell classes that night, introduced himself to me and immediately put me at ease. The rest of the kettlebell class introduced themselves right away and every member was encouraging as I worked to swing the 16kg bell. Throughout class, Steve spent time making sure that I was using proper technique and the proper weight for me. He answered any questions I had and generally made the whole class fun, interesting, and tough. After just one class, I knew this was nothing like my previous gyms.
A few months into my membership, I was loving kettlebell class, making huge progress with my strength and conditioning, and had learned the hard way not to eat oranges before a MOVE class. I found myself increasingly interested in learning more about the major barbell lifts and lifting heavy. Now, let’s be clear here. Prior to SOS, I had never touched a barbell. Not once. I thought barbells were reserved for the big guys at the other gyms. But this wasn’t other gyms, so I signed up for personal training sessions with Steve to get the ball rolling.
Learning is great, but it also helps to have a goal. After some thought and encouragement from members and coaches, I decided to sign up for the Tactical Strength Challenge scheduled for October, 2014. For the Novice division, the events were a 3-attempt max deadlift, flexed arm hang for time, and 5 minute kettlebell snatch test with a 12kg bell. Before SOS, signing up for an event like this never would have crossed my mind. If it ever even came up, I would have shrugged and wistfully watched other people do cool things.
Steve programmed the next 3 months for me to work towards my goal of competing in the TSC. I worked with him one-on-one each week and on my own during open gym times to make sure I got two strength training days in each week. I continued with kettlebell classes and attended SOS 4-5 times per week.
Next, it was game day. I was pretty nervous. It’s one thing to train in the gym because you are just doing your own thing. On competition day, you have an audience. But, I had trained hard and I’ll be darned if I was going to be thrown off just because people were watching. What I hadn’t thought about was the sheer amount of support and energy that an audience could provide.
My audience wasn’t made up entirely of strangers. I was lucky enough to have my mom, husband, and friend come out to watch, but also lucky in that most of the other people competing that day were my friends from the gym. It was a lot of fun to compete alongside friends. At the end of that day, I pulled a 265lb deadlift (remember…3 months earlier I didn’t even know how to pick the bar up!), I zeroed the flexed arm hang, and I completed 125 kettlebell snatches. It was an amazing day and I was extremely proud of my performance. I left knowing I would sign up for the next one.
After the competition, I continued working with Steve and attending classes. Consistency wasn’t a problem for me anymore. I was in the gym 4-5 times per week. And it’s a good thing. The winter and holiday season was particularly tough this year… weather-wise and personally. Leaving the gym each evening did wonders for my mood. I was visibly happier after the gym. The workouts were fun and the people cared.
Jan 2015 marked a new year and my 9-month mark at SOS. I joined a nutrition program earlier in the year and learned a ton. I still maintain many of the habits I learned that to this day, but I couldn’t quite implement everything I learned. After some thought, I decided to participate in the new Lean in ’15 Body Transformation Challenge for the next 8 weeks. Why? There were prizes! Who can resist a prize? I know that the prize is ultimately your transformation, but having other prizes along the way was pretty motivating for me.
I dove head first into the 8-week challenge. Evan was a phenomenal nutrition coach! He provided insight, guidance and constant positivity throughout the 8 weeks (and beyond!). We communicated almost daily and his support was fantastic.
Honestly, the first few weeks were rough on me. It took me a little time to get used to my new macro targets and planning my meals ahead of time. I was grumpy, but Evan exuded positivity and talked me through any concerns I had. I wanted to make sure that I could continue to gain strength because there was another TSC coming up and I was without a doubt signing up.
After weeks of support, communication, and development of good habits, 8 weeks was over. I lost 18lbs and 18 inches! Something finally stuck! This has proven to be a significant help in training for the TSC; particularly the flexed arm hang. It’s a whole lot easier to hold yourself in a hang position when you are 18lbs lighter!
—–> Next 8-week Challenge Starts on May 9, 2015! <—-
Don’t get me wrong. I’m not telling you this journey has been all sunshine and unicorns. Things happen. One hundred inches of snow, sickness, family emergencies, grumpiness and off-days. I experienced all of that through the winter, but rarely do I feel worse after a training session. The trainers and members at SOS make it easy to show up and fun to participate.
This week marks one year for me at SOS. I am still training with Steve because I learned that I absolutely LOVE to lift heavy and I have a lot more to learn and a lot more strength to gain. I couldn’t have asked for a better coach in Steve. He coached me from an unloaded bar to a 265lb deadlift. I’m looking forward to seeing what else I can do. I also continue with Kettlebell classes and the occasional MOVE class. I enjoy seeing and catching up with all of the coaches and members at the gym every time I come in.
One year ago, my heavy kettlebell was 16kg. Yesterday, my heavy swings were 36kg and there’s picture proof out there that I can swing “The Beast.”
One year ago, it was a struggle to get me to work out 2 times per week. This week, I’ll be as SOS 5 days.
One year ago I stared blankly at the unloaded bar on the ground. Today I’ll deadlift a loaded bar… or I’ll bench it… or I’ll squat it. I have options.
One year ago, I was bored with my current routine, but made the decision to walk into SOS despite my anxiousness. This year, I’m excited for where I am and where I am going.
Stephanie, you are a rock star!! I loved reading your story.
You both rock and inspire!