I just found some pics my from RKC weekend. It’s hard to believe it’s been one year since that life changing weekend. Here are a few memories that pop into my head from the weekend.
– meet and greet at the holiday, man the room was tough to find.
– Adam Glass at the meet and greet, he was tearing decks of cards like tissue paper
– the Kia rental car was the slowest car in the world, I can run faster than a Kia
– whats up with the stop lights on the exit ramps when entering the highway?
– Buffalo wild wings- beer and wings….the perfect ending to a hard days work
– a terrible sunburn on the backs of my legs, it was almost 80 degrees every day in MN in April, who would have thought!!
– swings, swings, swings, swings, swings, burpees, swings, swings
– Pavel kicking me in the stomach during my plank
– torn up hands, tape and chalk
– my victim was a sweet women who was the oldest “victim” there, she must have been 80. Man was I nervous, I knew I was gonna get her as my victim 🙂
– hamstrings and glutes were smoked, I couldn’t walk right for 5 days
– meeting Mike Robertson, he’s a smart man
– the graduation work out
– Brett handing me my certification, there is a man who cares about the RKC family
For those of you who are thinking about the RKC, just do it. You will cherish the memories and be part of something bigger than you.
I was a victim at this event. One year later, at 52 years old, I'm leaner and stronger than I've ever been. I'd like to meet Brett Jones some day – he ROCKS!
My wife Fabiana and I were there as well and we loved every minute of it. It rocked!
Gary, congrats on your success!! Keep up the good work
Rob, it was a blast, I can't wait for RKC II !!
Hi Gary, Gary Music here I was in the same cert. Cool blog, wish you would post the pics you have. 🙂
On the first day Pavel made me buy new pants because mine were too tight, hahaha
Good blog.
oops, I meant Michael. 🙂 First post threw me off sorry. 🙂
I was also a victim at that RKC, but on a different team. The sweet victim you had, still trains with me and does a great job keeping up with us. She totally Rocks.
Linnea, I forget her name. She was a sweetheart!! I was pretty nervous at first but she made it easy for me. I hope she is doing well. Please tell her hello for me!!
Her name is Pat or as I call her Grandma. She will swing a 12kg bell and can press a 14# bell too. Like I said she rocks.