I’m always trying to find creative ways to improve my shoulder mobility. One of the positions I seem to have lost since Ive started BJJ is a solid overhead position. Don’t get me wrong, I can still get there, but it no longer comes as easy as it used to.
A few days ago I came up with this shoulder mobility drill to improve shoulder flexion for overhead pressing. It worked tremendously for me so I’m hoping it can help others too!
Shoulder Mobility Drill to Improve Shoulder Flexion for Overhead Pressing
You will need the following equipment for this shoulder mobility drill:
- A squat rack
- A stretch band
- A light kettlebell (under 15 lbs)
- A flat bench
Equipment Set-up
- Set up the bench, roughly 12 to 16 inches from the rack.
- Position the band as shown in the video so you can drive your heels downward towards the floor with a little bit of resistance.
- Put your kettlebell near the bench and lie down with approximately a 90° angle at the hip and knee.
The Shoulder Mobility Drill
First, try to maintain approximately a 90° angle at the hip and knee and maintain tension in the hamstrings for the duration of the drill. The goal here is to activate the hamstrings so we can quiet down the hip flexors for the duration of the drill.
Second, perform a slight posterior tilt in your pelvis. For most people, this means squishing your lower back flat into the bench. At the same time, pull your rib cage downward towards your pelvis and try to maintain this position for the duration of the drill.
Third, focus on breathing behind the shield. This will help you maintain tension in your abdominals for the duration. While you do this be careful to remember not change the lumbar, pelvis, and rib cage positioning discussed above.
Now you’re ready to grab your light kettlebell, under 15 pounds, and start the shoulder mobility drill.
- Retract and depress your shoulder blade, and slightly supinate the elbow. This will be the most comfortable position for most.
- While keeping tension in the lat, slowly move your shoulder into flexion while the rest of your body remains quiet and still. The light load of the kettlebell will aid your shoulder in achieving a bit more flexion. Once you get to a position that challenges you overhead, return to the start position.
I would consider this shoulder mobility drill a loaded mobility drill. Ideally you will do this at the beginning of your training session.
Try doing 2 to 3 sets of five reps and follow it up with 2 to 4 Turkish Get Ups.
Once you’ve increased your mobility with this drill, it’s time to cement the pattern with some stability work. Turkish get ups are the perfect exercise for this!
Hope you enjoy the drill. Make sure you go easy and never work into pain.
Other Shoulder Mobility Drills
- Kettlebell Shoulder Mobility
- Improve Overhead Shoulder Mobility
- Shoulder Mobility for Overhead Lifting
- Clean Up Those Cranky Shoulders
Give these a try and let me know what you think and if this drill helps improve your shoulder mobility!