Fighting is a huge commitment, but like anything, if you want to be the best, there are some sacrifices that you need to make. If you are not willing to make sacrifices, don’t be disappointed when your master plan of making it to the UFC fails miserably.
Often times, the biggest issue I hear from fighters when it comes to training properly is that they just don’t have the time. Simply put, my first piece of advice is to make time. If you truly want results, you’ll find a way to make it happen.
If you want to be one of the best fighters in the UFC, you’ll need to make the time, even when it feels like you don’t have it. The good news is that if you really don’t have that much time to train, but you still want to get as strong as possible, I’ve got an answer for you.
Perform 2 lifts a day, 3 times a week.
This is solid advice I got from Dan John. It’s simple really, focus on two compound lifts that are appropriate for you. Now, due to the fact that you are only performing two exercises a day, you need to be 100% dedicated and focused. This means you need to stop texting, get off Facebook and just focus on your training. Stop wasting time screwing around on your phone when you should be training.
Build yourself a training schedule.
It’s time to be and adult and actually develop some sort of workable routine. This means actually scheduling your training throughout the week. Once the schedule is written, you should not deviate from it. I know you’ll be tired and come up with some bs excuses for why you can’t train, but sack up and commit.
Now that my little peptalk is out-of-the-way, lemme give you some ideas on how you can train effectively and efficiently.
Below I’ll provide a simple 8-week set and rep scheme of strength training for busy MMA Fighters.
The plan has some built in deloading and I would also encourage you to increase the load as the volume decreases.
Day #1 – Deadlifts and Dumbell Chest Press
3 weeks of 4×5
3 weeks of 3×3
2 weeks of 2×2
Dumbbell Chest Press
2 weeks of 2×10
3 weeks of 3×6
3 weeks of 4×4
Day #2 – Double Kettlebell Reverse Lunges and Pull-ups
Double Kettlebell Reverse Lunge
3 weeks of 2×10
3 weeks of 3×6
2 weeks of 4×4
3 weeks of bodyweight reps. Do as many as possible on each set but make sure that the technique never breaks down.
3 weeks of 5,3,2 weighted
2 weeks of 3,2,1 weighted
Day #3 – Single Leg Deadlifts and Single Arm Rows
Single Leg Deadlift
3 weeks of 2×10
3 weeks of 3×6
2 weeks of 4×4
Single Arm Row
3 weeks of 2×10
3 weeks of 3×6
2 weeks of 4×4
There you have it, a simple plan to get you strong in about 30 minutes per day, three days a week. I know it sounds like an infomercial, but tell you what…give this training program a try and stay hyper-focused. I bet you’ll be surprised at how much strength you can gain with such simple template.
As always, train smart and train hard!
i can’t get to see the fighters pull ups for the workout can you email me them please